How to Make Your Home More Water Efficient

Making your home more water-efficient involves adopting practices and installing fixtures that reduce water usage, similar to how a brush clearing contractor strategically manages land to promote environmental sustainability. Start by installing low-flow faucets, showerheads, and dual-flush toilets, which significantly reduce water consumption. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient appliances like dishwashers and washing machines that use less water. Regular maintenance to fix leaks and insulate pipes also contributes to water efficiency. Outside the home, implementing xeriscaping or drought-resistant landscaping can minimize water usage for gardening, a practice akin to the careful land management by a brush clearing contractor. Collecting rainwater for outdoor use and using drip irrigation systems for plants can further enhance water efficiency. By making these changes, homeowners not only conserve a vital resource but also reduce their water bills, contributing positively to both their finances and the environment.

Making your home more water efficient is a great way to save money and help the environment. Green homes integrate exceptional construction features that facilitate the efficient use of resources such as water and energy. Typical green homeowners experience water savings of approximately 20%. For example, they use a functional lighting strategy and take advantage of daylight to significantly reduce the amount of energy needed to provide sufficient lighting to the house. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), installing new solar panels is cheaper than a similar investment in coal, natural gas or other fossil fuel options. The cost of maintaining and operating a green building is lower compared to that of a non-green one.

This frees up money that homeowners can invest elsewhere. While building a green home can be a little expensive compared to a non-green one, the low operating and maintenance costs of green homes make them much more profitable over time. Before making improvements, you may also want to work with an energy evaluator to use the Home Energy Score. The Home Energy Score is a national rating system, developed by the U. S.

Department of Energy, that provides a rating of your home's current efficiency, as well as a list of improvements and potential savings. The score reflects the energy efficiency of a home depending on the structure of the house and the heating, cooling and hot water systems. Housing data provides details about the current structure and systems. The recommendations show how to improve home energy efficiency to achieve a higher score and save money. Knowing the expenses of the current owner will tell you a lot about how much efficient improvements could actually save you.

Since increasing efficiency is becoming easier and more affordable, making improvements to a home that help people get more for their money is a good investment overall. If you're building a new home or expanding an existing one, consider using advanced structures (also known as optimal value engineering), which reduce wood use and waste and improve energy efficiency in a wood-framed home. Homebuyers of all age groups want to see or expect to have energy efficient appliances and systems with the Energy Star designation. Lower electricity, gas, and water bills are some of the main benefits of improving your home's energy efficiency. Building a green home is not only an investment in the future of the current generation, but also in the future of the next generations. This guide for realtors from Green Business Bureau on how to sell a green home outlines some of the features that agents like to highlight. Other common green renovations and upgrades that are desired include electric vehicle charging stations, tankless water heaters, composting systems, and HVAC systems that run on electricity and run on solar energy.

If you can't find a home that already saves energy and water, there are financing options available to help you make changes to increase efficiency once you've purchased the property. This can include making one-off improvements to increase efficiency, or system-wide improvements and modernizations to increase control and knowledge of resources and consumption. As a homeowner, making your home “greener” is a solid investment in your home's future value. If you're explicitly looking for green housing, it's helpful to work with a housing professional who has specific experience or credentials. Ground-protected housing can be built underground or with berms and, when well designed and built, can be comfortable, durable and energy efficient. Green homes use green construction methods that use resources efficiently and responsibly.

To perform a comprehensive evaluation of a home's efficiency, you can request a professional home audit through RESNET or the Department of Energy (DOE).