What is the Home Energy Labeling Program Provided by the US Green Building Council?

LEED is one of the world's most popular green building certification programs, designed by the United States. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. LEED-certified homes are designed to provide clean indoor air and plenty of natural light, and to use safe building materials to ensure our comfort and good health. They help us reduce our energy and water consumption, reducing utility bills every month, among other financial benefits.

By using the strategies described in LEED, landlords are having a net positive impact on their communities. At a time when the impact of climate change is at the forefront, countries are taking steps to combat it and terms such as Energy Star and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications have become popular topics of conversation. Both aim to build high-performance buildings with minimal environmental impact by promoting, among other things, energy efficiency. This blog post explains the differences between the two programs.

Energy Star is a certification program developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that offers environmental benefits and financial value through energy efficiency. The program offers free tools and resources to help organizations assess their energy performance and reduce energy use. This section will focus on Energy Star certification for existing commercial buildings, which measures a building's energy consumption and compares it to similar buildings. Energy Star provides more information on how to apply for certification on its website.

Once granted, Energy Star certifications are valid for one year and recipients must reapply once a year to maintain their Energy Star certification. It's important to note that the EPA also awards the Designed designation to earn the Energy Star star for new construction projects based on the estimated energy use of a new building. These new buildings are expected to qualify for Energy Star certification once they are operational. Energy Star explains how projects under development can obtain Energy Star designation on its website.

According to their website, the reduction in utility bills is one of the reasons to obtain Energy Star certification for commercial buildings. In addition, Energy Star certified buildings generate 35 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions, have higher occupancy rates and earn higher rents and obtain better financing terms.


is an internationally recognized green building certification offered by the United States. LEED is a broader certification than Energy Star, as it recognizes more than just energy efficiency.

While Energy Star rewards the energy efficiency of a building, it does not prescribe the specific LEED engineering or design measures that the building must use. Energy Star certification is ultimately determined by a building's energy use (or estimated energy use) relative to similar buildings, while LEED certification requires several other measures, such as indoor air quality measures, that would not fall within Energy Star's focus on energy efficiency. It is important to note that, in the case of existing buildings, as a prerequisite, LEED requires that the building meet the requirements of the Energy Star certification. In short, it's important to understand that Energy Star and LEED are not competing programs, but that they complement each other.

Energy Star provides users with the tools they need (Portfolio Manager) to achieve a higher level of energy performance in buildings, helping them to approach the standards required for LEED certification. Both programs provide resources to encourage green building practices and help promote the sustainability of new and existing buildings, and are one step closer to victory in the fight against the impact of climate change. Every home BPC builds today meets the U. S.

Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) certification standard. ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that will promote energy efficiency for businesses and consumers. ENERGY STAR has sets of standards for the certification of appliances, homes, commercial buildings and industrial facilities. ENERGY STAR is now a basic green building standard, but not the highest.

One of the requirements for a home to obtain the ENERGY STAR label is that it must pass an inspection based on separate checklists. These checklists include building science practices focused on thermal insulation, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and water management. All homes built or renovated by BPC Green Builders meet or exceed ENERGY STAR certification standards. View photos of ENERGY STAR homes from BPC Official EPA website ENERGY STAR An EPA standard, as defined by the agency, Indoor AirPlus is a voluntary partnership and labeling program that helps new home builders improve indoor air quality by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne contaminants and contaminants.

Clean air is essential to everyone's health, but it can be especially important for people with chronic respiratory conditions. All of the homes currently being built by BPC meet or exceed the standards of housing covered by AirPlus Qualified Homes. WaterSense is a U. S EPA certification for products and homes that meet established EPA standards for efficiency and water use.

The WaterSense standard is critical for use in areas such as the Southwest, where there is always a shortage of clean, drinkable water. It's a standard that also helps reduce the demand for water treatment before and after use. By reducing the demand for pre- and post-use water treatment, the need for water treatment plants and their costs are also reduced.